Hacknet Wiki
Hacknet Wiki

"Tutorial" is the first mission in Hacknet.


This mission introduces the player to the core elements of the game.


  1. Connect to the player computer.
  2. Click on the "Scan Network" to scan the computer for other connected nodes.
  3. Disconnect from your own computer.
  4. Click on the newly discovered node.
  5. The console window is now available. Type probe or nmap to probe the system and reveal the ports.
  6. Type PortHack to break into the system.
  7. Type scan to scan the system for any connected nodes.
  8. Type ls to show the filesystem.
  9. Type cd binto navigate to the ~/bin folder.
  10. Type cat config.txt to open the only file in the ~/bin directory.
  11. Type cd .. to move to the previous director.
  12. Type cd log to access the ~/log folder.
  13. Type rm * to delete all logs.
  14. Type dc or disconnect to disconnect from the system.
  15. Type ps to scan process IDs.
  16. Find the Tutorial program ID and type kill [PROCESS_ID] to kill the program.

The "First Contact" mission starts automatically after killing the Tutorial program.

Skipping Tutorial[]

After the player connects to the target system, type ps then kill the Tutorial program by typing kill [PROCESS_ID]. This will end the mission earlier and unlock the "Quickdraw" achievement.

Introduction text[]

. . .

This is strange... Stranger than I expected.
I guess I'm supposed to write this in past tense, though I hardly feel like admitting it's over.
My name is Bit, and if you're reading this, I'm already dead.

The file is located at ~/Contents/BitSpeech.txt

